Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Factorization in Pictures

Recent websplorations have led me to this:

Factorization Diagram

which will eventually lead me to buy this:

Factorization Diagram Print

and spend way to much time watching and thinking about this:

Factorization Diagram Visualization

and exploring here:

Data Pointed

and especially here:


John Conway's Game of Life

Here's a fun way to explore the Game of Life and some of it's amazing inhabitants.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Another Reason to Flip

As I consider moving to a flipped classroom I am reminded of another benefit. Every one of my classes consists of students sitting at distance learning centers as well as my F2F students. Often, the students at the distance sites are not involved at all and sit through the entire semester without participating in the class.

In a flipped classroom it would be possible to take time to devote entirely to these distance students. While all students are working on problems and activities it would be possible for me to engage my distance students directly. I have never found another way to do this. It is becoming more and more evident that flipping is going to happen.