Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Find What You Love. Do More of That.

Christopher Danielson suggests that the best thing we can do as teachers it to....HERE.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Looking at Old Things in New Ways

Don Steward's Blog Median provides an impressive array of problems and tasks that are unique and can serve as a starting point for many different activities. He has the unique ability to ask old questions in new ways.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mash-Up - The Math Wars Writ Small

Let's begin with this tweet:

And the referenced article critiquing the book The Math Myth by Andrew Hacker. Devlin makes the point that Hacker is basically clueless about math ed and, I would add, writing a book that many people will gladly buy and get behind because of their feelings about math education today.

Hacker's original editorial Is Algebra Necessary?

Devlin's response on at The Huffington Post

And a Hacker interview with The Chronicle of Higher Education.

We don't need mathematical thinking? Really?

Edit: Another article about The Math Myth

Monday, February 22, 2016

Daily Mash-Up

Sometimes I find great ideas but don't have the time right now to process them and don't want to lose them as a set of related links. So what do I do then? I mash them up and make a blog paste out of them. To return to later.

The starter for this mash-up was this tweet. The rest follows.

  1. Ben Blum-Smith's Post 
  2. PCMI Problem Sets
  3. Read Section 1 of THIS problem set to see the general philosophy
  4. About Cognitive Theft
  5. A reaction to Blum-Smith's post offering more ideas on grouping
  6. About PCMI
  7. Details about 2015 PCMI
  8. Bowen Kerins on Twitter
  9. Law of the Broken Futon