Part of the challenge (at least for me) to beginning a blog is 1) not feeling like you have anything to post and 2) not wanting to post "beginner" posts that aren't insightful and that will possibly be looked back on over time with a bit of embarrassment for their pedestrian nature. In other words I don't want to look like an idiot for the months/years/decades (yikes!) that it might take for me to become proficient and skilled at this medium. Well here is my confession...I am willing to look like an idiot if it will help me in the long run. So, dear reader, I hope you enjoy these elementary posts until I have something more interesting to offer.
So the question I had was whether there were other blogs out there that started from scratch without the fear of public scorn and have grown into something very great and contributory to the math community. I did some searching around and found lots of blogs that were posting great things. Then I went back in the history of those blogs and checked out their early posts to see if there was any hope for someone starting from pure nothing. Here is one of the blogs that I discovered:
First of all, I found that this blog was current and had been active for nearly 10 years. That's a long time. Second, I found that I really liked reading this blog. And lastly, I checked back into the seedy history of this blog and found a teacher who started off small as a blogger, stuck with it, and developed into a great blogging. It truly appears that this teacher's blog is an important part of her teaching practice and reflection. If you have a chance, check it out.
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